Nigeria’s urban population has been growing at an alarming rate. Nigerian towns and cities are explosively growing in leaps and bounds. A little more than 50 years ago, fewer than 7% of Nigerians lived in urban centres (that is settlements with populations of 20,000 or more). This proportion rose to 10% in 1952 and 19.2% in 1963. It is now estimated at about 55%. In fact Nigeria cities are among the fastest growing in the world (Adepoju, 2003).
The growing concentration of population in urban centers is generally attributed to a number of socio-economic and lifestyle conditions, such as the higher capacity of the urban institutions to absorb more workers, avenues for a non-agricultural means of livelihood and higher income generation opportunities. Such rural–urban migration and population concentration within a limited urban area exerts strains on the various public services and have apparent negative social ramifications that impairs the living conditions of the residents. It is accompanied by multiple problems and issues associated with the movement of people and materials in larger scale. It also results in rural depopulation and agricultural inefficiency because of the fact that the aged ones that are left behind cannot produce enough food for rural consumption.
This constant drift of thousands of people from rural areas have become a striking problem to urban areas. Such problems can be seen from housing problems, pollution, overcrowding and overstretched of available public utilities. It is these spatial characteristics that are of importance to geographers and hence forms the basics of this research.
The overall aim of this study is to examine the effects of rural-urban migration on public utilities in Uyo Local Government Area, with the following objectives:
To determine the effects of rural urban migration on public utilities in Uyo Local Government Area.
To identify the dominant migratory groups of migrants in the study area.
To examine the major determinant factors of rural-urban migration in Uyo Local Government Area.
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